
Reddit preparing to play city of heroes
Reddit preparing to play city of heroes

Instead, the City of Heroes subreddit morphed into a repository of old screenshots and threadbare memories. While a few fragmented mirrors of the old content washed up on the internet, none of them rebuilt Paragon City in the way players remembered. When the apocalypse hit and the server bays were taken offline, City of Heroes lifers seemed fated to spend the rest of the decade in exile.

reddit preparing to play city of heroes

City of Heroes never managed a World of Warcraft-like cultural zeitgeist, but the game's optimistic mid-century modern glean, and the fantasy of creating your own Justice League, resonated with a small, eternally dedicated community.

reddit preparing to play city of heroes

In 2012, NCSoft terminated Paragon Studios, the developer that supported superhero MMO City of Heroes since its launch in 2004. Here's the quick version of what led to this moment, in case you missed it. The community wanted to retake their city, and they wanted to string up the supervillains responsible for letting them go hungry.

Reddit preparing to play city of heroes